Wednesday, July 17, 2013 - 1 comments

Ecolab Product Knowledge for Dishwashing Machine


Solid Power
Solid one-pass results.
Super concentrated, highly active ingredients combine to ensure sparkling one-pass results.
Chlorinated for effective stain removal.

 Solid Brilliance
Exceptional performance. Eliminates filming and reduces drying time on all wares, including plastics. 
Exceptionally fast sheeting action ensures consistently spotless results. 
-Effective in hard-water conditions, yet low-foaming in soft water.

 H.D Rinse Dry
High Performance Rinse Additive. 
Highly concentrated surfactant formula delivers spotless glassware and silverware.
Deforming agent increases the   dish machine efficiency.
Effective on plastics.

Super Trump
High-alkaline detergent.
Breaks down stubborn food soil, grease and oil.
Excellent for bar glass washing machines

An everyday favorit.  Mild Acid, plus liquid detergent formulation, removes lime film, iron stains,
 and scale on many washable surfaces.
Effective on stains that resist 'alkaline' detergents and for soils with high calcium, magnesium 
or iron content.  for Diswashing Machine, hospital or laboratory glassware, vitreous china, 
stainless steel surfaces.  Removes cement film.
Warning: Not to be used on soft stone, such as Marble, terrazzo etc.